Akademia Pszczelarza

Insemination course of queen bee

A specialized training course, concluding with an examination and obtaining authorization to perform queen bee insemination treatments. 

June 26-29, 2025
Insemination course of queen bee

Who is the course for?

Our course is for:
  • advanced beekeepers who want to take advantage of the benefits of insemination in their apiaries
  • novice breeders who would like to start implementing breeding programs
  • all who want to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of insemination of queen bees and at the same time obtain the qualifications of an inseminator
  • breeders who have used the services of inseminators so far and now want to perform the treatment themselves

About the course

inseminacja matek pszczelich Insemination of queen bee
Specialist training with professionals!

The Queen Bee Insemination Course is a specialized training course, concluding with an examination and obtaining authorization to perform queen bee insemination treatments. The program takes into account the scope defined in Art. 30 sec. 2 point 2 of the Act on the Organization of Breeding and Reproduction of Farm Animals

The course covers 32 hours of classes, including 15 hours of theory and 17 hours of practice. Due to the specified training and for the comfort of the participants, the size of the group is limited to 10 people

The course includes consultation with the leaders. There is a separate and fully equipped stand for insemination of the queen bees for everyone. If you would like to use your own insemination device, please give us prior notification.

Substantive content

The program covers the scope specified in Article 30, paragraph 2, point 2 of the Law on the Organization of Breeding and Reproduction of Farm Animals

Theory + practice

The course includes 32 hours of classes, including:
- 15 hours of theory in the form of lectures
- 17 hours of practice in the form of exercises.


The course ends with an exam. After passing the exam with a positive result, the student receives a certificate confirming the qualifications in the profession of inseminator of queen bees and giving the rights of an inseminator.

Small groups

The insemination course is a specialist training course. The specific nature of the technique of insemination of queen bees requires an individual approach to each student. Therefore, the group consists of only 10 people.


A separate, fully equipped workstation for insemination of queen bees is prepared for each participant.


The course will take place from June 26 to June 28, 2025. The exam will take place on June 29, 2025.


Pasieka Szeligów 30 Królewska Street 32-051 Wielkie Drogi near Cracow


Course fee = 1200 euros per person
Accommodation fee = 90 euros per person per night


inseminacja matek pszczelich Insemination of queen bee
Theory and practice

Theoretical classes:

  • Breeding of bees.

  • Anatomy and physiology of queen bees and drones.

  • Biology of queen bee insemination.

  • Factors influencing the quality of artificially inseminated queen bees.

  • Standard equipment necessary for artificial insemination – available options and selection rules.

Practical classes:

  • Preparation of dams and drones for artificial insemination.

  • Technique of insemination.

  • Rules of hygiene and disinfection.

  • Problems with artificially inseminated mothers.

  • Methods of assessing correctly conducted artificial insemination of queen bees.


Małgorzata Bieńkowska inseminacja matek pszczelich Insemination of queen bee
dr hab. Małgorzata Bieńkowska

Professor at the Institute of Horticulture, Department of Apiculture in Puławy, Inseminator, and Breeder of Queen Bees

She is professionally and privately associated with bees. The main goal of her work is the breeding of bees showing the features of resistance to the V. destructor parasite, the improvement of selection methods, the selection of drones and queen bees for breeding and the improvement of artificial insemination methods. July 30 1992, she received the certificate No. 81 on passing the examination in the field of insemination of bee queens. She is one of the founders of the international scientific cooperation network – Research Network of Sustainable Bee Breading, a member of the International Organization COLOSS – Honey Bee Research Association, and she is also the treasurer of the Polish Association of Mother Bees Breeders. She is passionate about spreading knowledge about the latest achievements, discoveries and research results that can contribute to improving the situation of bees and maintaining their greatest biodiversity in the environment.

Monika Leleń inseminacja matek pszczelich Insemination of queen bee
Monika Leleń

Inseminator and Breeder of Queen Bees at the "Szeligów Apiary" beekeeping farm, Lecturer and Educator at the Beekeeper's Academy.

She found a way to fulfill herself in beekeeping. She always sets ambitious goals and implements them quickly. She is professionally involved in the breeding of queen bees, with a particular focus on the insemination process. She is a representative of the young generation of inseminators who has gained knowledge in this field worldwide. Monika perfectly combines the achievements of previous generations with the latest tools offered by modern times. She often conducts training workshops for beekeepers outside the breeding season. She is also an expert in activities that children enjoy, during which she reveals the secrets of bees to the young students.

Przemysław Szeliga Akademia Pszczelarza inseminacja matek pszczelich Insemination of queen bee
Przemysław Szeliga

Breeder, Master Beekeeper, and Founder of the "Szeligów Apiary" beekeeping farm, as well as a Lecturer and Educator at the Beekeeper's Academy.

A beekeeper master, and above all a passionate bee lover. He has extensive experience in conducting classes and workshops and has been educating students, both beginners and advanced beekeepers. He works to integrate the beekeeping community and disseminate knowledge about the importance of the role of the honeybee in society. He runs his own breeding apiary based on one of the most difficult breeding methods, which makes it possible to obtain bee queens of the highest quality. Demanding and critical of himself and others, he is the mentor of many beekeeping souls. He teaches how to manage beekeeping based on thinking.

Technical team

female - avatar
Anna Zięcik


female - avatar
Agnieszka Dyrda

office and administration

male - avatar
Bartłomiej Sobieraj

technical assistance during courses

inseminacja matek pszczelich Insemination of queen bee
Frequently asked questions


Each participant has access to a fully equipped insemination station. People who have their own equipment can bring it with them and work on it during the course. As part of the course, we provide consultations on the correct preparation and setting up of your own equipment.

Yes, for each participant, the organizer provides mothers and drones of the appropriate age and quantity.

  • Bank transfer – If you have chosen this payment method, you can expect to receive an invoice pro forma in the same day via email. You will have 30 days to make the payment.
  • Installments – We can split your payment into installments (without additional costs!). Just contact us by email or phone after you have registered.

✉ biuro@akademia-pszczelarza.pl ✆ +48 516-828-632

Sign up!

To enroll for the course, complete the course registration form or write to us e-mail: biuro@akademia-pszczelarza.pl

We will guide you through the next steps of registration.